Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wake up (I did)

Waking up
Is realizing
Words can lose
Their meaning,
Honesty can cease
To matter,
Guilt only exists
As time passes.

Seeing reality
Is understanding
A kiss meant less
Than a handshake
Until my lips
Weren’t there to kiss.
And my love
My all, my tears,
Meant nothing
Until they dried up.

I woke up,
I now see reality
It’s cruel, at times,
But with purpose,
And meaning,
For the agony
You put me through.
And now I see
Leaving you,
Your all, your tears,
Your polygamist lust,
Was the best decision
I have ever made.
I will never regret it.


Together they were one.
Two carings soul,
in one beautifully entwined body.
And maybe one day
They will share one bed,
in some tiny one bedroom apartment,
with one blanket warming
two naked bodies.

And Sundays will be
their one day
to sleep in.
Awakening at noon
groggy and bare, but warm.
Always warm.
And she’ll steal one kiss
from those welcoming lips,
inviting him to taste
one sweet taste of lust.

And Sunday evenings
they would make dinner,
that one little kitchen
humming with their Love.
Later that night
they curl up, cozy
on that one ratty, torn couch,
indescribable happiness
in each others’ arms.
The football game,
or movie buzzing in the background,
as she puts her lips close to his ear
takes one deep breath
and says:
“If I could freeze time,
And be stuck in this
One moment,
With only you,
I would.”